2-1-1 Info
Services Provided: 211info connects people with the community resources (medical, dental, rental assistance, and other health and social services). By going to 211info.org, or dialing 2-1-1 you can find the local and regional resources you need.
Cost/Funding: Free.
Phone Number: 211
Website: 211info.org
Alzheimer’s Association Oregon Chapter
Services Provided: Information and training for caregivers. Local support groups, Information, education and training for those with a diagnosis, their families and for caregivers Pre-screening required before attending a local support group. Call ahead
Phone Number: 1-800-272-3900 (24/7 help hotline)
Physical Address: 5285 Meadows Road, Suite 451, Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Website: alz.org/orswwa
Family & Friends Support Group
Services Provided: The Friends & Family Support Group is an in-person monthly group meeting that meets on the 4th Saturday each month from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Pacific Time Zone). The Friends & Family Group is for anyone who has been impacted by someone they love surviving a brain injury. It is also for anyone who would like to learn more about brain injury through first-hand conversations.
Cost/Funding: Free
Meeting Time: 4th Saturday of every month, 10:00am – 12:00noon
Contact Person: Chris
Phone Number: (503) 208-4533
Email Address: chris@oregoncoastus.net
Physical Address: Legacy Emanuel Medical Office Building 2. Legacy Emanuel Medical Center
501 N. Graham St, Portland, OR 97227 (See website for exact directions).
Website: https://braininjuryconnectionsnw.org/events-programs/friends-family-support-group/
NAMI Family to Family Education Program
Services Provided: NAMI Oregon is an independent, grassroots organization, one of 50 state organizations that comprise the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals living with mental illness and for their families and other loved ones through education, support, and advocacy. We offer programs through our 17 local chapters across Oregon, 19 across Washington, both in person and online via Zoom. A twelve-week class for families with an adult family member suffering from a health difference. Classes are taught by trained family members of individuals suffering from a health difference. Course topics include care for the caregiver, how to locate support services in the community and acquiring strategies for handling crises.
Cost/Funding: Free
Comments: Call for information on class start dates. Classes are held in various locations.
Phone Number: See Website for your county phone number
Email Address: namioregon@namior.org
Physical Address: NAMI Multnomah, 524 NE 52nd Ave, Portland, OR 97213
Website: National Webpage nami.org Oregon namior.org Washington namiwa.org