Climate Action Planning with BIC-NW

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What: A Portland State University project team, from the Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning, is exploring the impact of climate change on individuals and families affected by brain injury. The findings will be summarized in:

1. An engaging public-facing ‘zine, and

2. A report to help planners and climate action professionals understand the needs of individuals with brain injuries and their community.

Why: People with disabilities, including those with brain injuries, are greatly affected by climate change due to challenges reaching resources like healthcare and air conditioning during extreme weather. Despite this, the needs of the disability community are often overlooked in climate action planning, including in Portland. This project seeks to include the experiences of the brain injury community in climate action planning.

Who: We will ask BIC-NW leaders and members (survivors and family members/supporters) how climate change impacts like smoke and extended heat impact their ability to go about their day and affect their health; how they would like to be involved in climate action work; and specific interventions that might support the disability community.

Compensation/Appreciation: To thank participants, we will provide food at in-person events. In addition, each participant will receive a $100 gift card. (Max 1 gift card per person)

Questions/contact information:
Dr. Megan Horst, (503) 725-5946