Art on the Brain
A creative and caring space for participants to do art in community, learn about themselves and others, and listen and share their stories as they emerge. Art on the Brain is funded by Brain Injury Connections – Northwest and is free for brain injury survivors and their supporters.
John’s Story
What was your life like before your injury?
John was born in Fort Knox Kentucky on May 4, 1959. Growing up he moved to many different states because of his father’s service in the military. The majority of his childhood was spent in San Antonio Texas, where he had many good friends that he “remembers with his heart”. Read more
Marc’s Story
First, it’s difficult to know where to begin.
April 16, 1981
There were 5 of us and we had driven from Ft. Myers, Florida to Orlando, Florida, with plans to spend the next day at Disney World. After spending at least 16, perhaps 18, hours at Disney World, and in the hot Florida sun, we decided it was time to head home. Read more
Zack’s Story
What your life was like before your brain injury?
I finished college and wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to go someplace new and have new experiences. So, I began thinking about teaching English in Europe.
TBI & My Longest Ride Documentary
Karl ‘Kajomo” Moritz is an adjunct board member here at BIC-NW and we are so grateful for all the work he does for us and the brain injury community! Karl collaborated with Cheryl Green, filmmaker & former board member of BIRRDsong, the predecessor to BIC-NW. Read more
Share Your Voice: The 2021 CBIRT Survey
The Center on Brain Injury Research and Training (CBIRT) at the University of Oregon is conducting a survey of the services and supports in Oregon for persons with brain injury. It is available in both English & Spanish (see below for translation.) Read more
Lynn’s Story
What was your life like before your brain injury?
I was an adjunct professor at Concordia University, teaching chemical dependency and addictive behaviors. I just got a loan to open up an adult care home, I was working evenings at a DUI program for Treatment Services Northwest, and I was also taking care of my mother in my home. Read more